Sandwell, University of California, San Diego The numerical examples can be run with MATLAB software or emulators such as Octave or Python.' Professor David T. This third edition's new sections provide numerical solutions to problems in heat conduction, flexure, faulting, and thermal convection, making the connection between the fundamental analytical solutions and the more sophisticated numerical methods used by researchers today. The core of the book provides a deterministic, physics-based exposition of solid-earth processes at a mathematical level accessible to most students. 'For the past thirty years, Geodynamics has served as the primary textbook in the field. The new chapters on numerics and computation are a great addition that bring it firmly into the modern computational era. 'The definitive reference in the field a unique book that is invaluable for students and researchers alike. With important new computational tools in this edition, providing hands-on programming examples in MATLAB®, the authors have enhanced even further the enormous utility of this excellent book.' David Bercovici, Yale University, Connecticut It sets the standard for rigor, clarity and accessibility to all geoscience students. 'Geodynamics continues to be the essential introduction to how the solid Earth evolves, through tectonic, volcanic and near-surface activity as well as processes deep within our planet. Le informazioni nella sezione "Riassunto" possono far riferimento a edizioni diverse di questo titolo. Answers to problems available within the book and also online, for self-testing, complete the textbook package. Exercises within the text allow students to put the theory into practice as they progress through each chapter and carefully selected further reading sections guide and encourage them to delve deeper into topics of interest.

The book has been brought fully up to date with the inclusion of new material on planetary geophysics and other cutting edge topics. This third edition has two completely new chapters covering numerical modelling and geophysical MATLAB® applications, and the text is now supported by a suite of online MATLAB® codes that will enable students to grasp the practical aspects of computational modelling. Essential reading for any Earth scientist, this classic textbook has been providing advanced undergraduate and graduate students with the fundamentals needed to develop a quantitative understanding of the physical processes of the solid earth for over thirty years.