The first one is Julius, an open source implementation for Caesar 3. In addition, let me point out two open source projects that might be of interest: If you’re interested in buying the game nowadays, both GOG and Steam have it available. We have given Caesar 3 Heaven a small make-over: the site has been modernized a bit: it’s now possible to use the site on phone without having to zoom and scroll, plus we have added a search feature in the sidebar on the left. The team behind Augustus, the open source version of Caesar 3 with modifications, have released version 3.2: this release makes major changes to the health system and contains a lot of fixes and improvements. News Archives - see what's been going on in the past here at C3 Heaven.Forums - Head over here to chat to other C3 players - share hints, tips, or just share a virtual cup of coffee in the Community forum.Strategy Section - here you'll find any and all inside information about how best to play C3 - walkthroughs, housing blocks, you name it, we've got it!.Here's a quick reminder of what we've got on offer: Although the news on this page is no longer updated on a daily basis, there will still be very occasional newsflashes (scroll down the page), and all the resources collated here since October 1998 are here for you to peruse through.

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